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Today i am going to tell you 10 fascinating facts about our body.
SO ,lets begin with our first facts.

1)The word muscle comes from a latin word which means LITTLE MOUSE which is what Ancient Romans thought flexed bicep muscles resembled.

2) The vessels of the adult body can cover the equator 4 times.

3)You lose about 4 kg of skin cells every year.

4) Babies don’t shed tears until they’re at least one month old.
5)Your blood makes up about eight percent of your body weight.
Woman's legs with goosebumps

6)Goosebumps evolved to make our ancestors’ hair stand up, making them appear more threatening to predators.

7) Wisdom teeth serve no purpose. They’re left over from hundreds of thousands of years ago. As early humans’ brains grew bigger, it reduced space in the mouth, crowding out this third set of molars.

8)As you breathe, most of the air is going in and out of one nostril. Every few hours, the workload shifts to the other nostril.

9)No one really knows what fingerprints are for, but they might help wick water away from our hands, prevent blisters, or improve touch.

10)The heart beats more than 3 billion times in the average human lifespan.

                                      THANK YOU!!!

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